Intentionally setting time aside to explore fun and meaningful activities with kids will assist you in remaining close to them and bonding with them.
Playing board games is one of the best activities to encourage in a home set up. It is not only fun and engaging but also everyone in the family can take part in it. Investing in board games such as chess, checkers and even snakes and ladders could increase the amount of time family members have fun together aside from holidays and vacations. As a family, you can agree that on Friday nights after having your dinner, everyone should join together and have a round of games together.
During the weekends or holidays, you can opt to go for an outdoor adventure as a family. Camping and hiking are often very effective ways to get out of the house and have fun together. This takes the family members off their gadgets and encourages them to do some team building exercises together. The more time children spend with their parents, the more comfortable they feel around hem, hence they are more likely to open up about their internal world and share their thoughts and emotions.
It is no secret that most of the family member’s free time is usually spent playing video games or browsing through social media. This hinders verbal communication and sometimes makes interactions seem like a distraction from the thrill that gadgets bring. Therefore, setting apart some time, when no one is allowed to use their phones, laptops or play stations, will force everyone in the family to talk with each other and ultimately connect.
Despite the fact that technology is seen as a hindrance, we could actually use i
In addition, delving into your children’s passions and partaking in them will also significantly boost how close you are with them. You would need to pay attention to your child and identify their passions and interests. Buy a set of pencils, paints, paintbrushes and coloring pencils, even is you are not artsy yourself, and encourage your child to pursue their interests. Sing karaoke with them if they enjoy music. This will not only strengthen the bond between you, but also potentially open up a possibility for them to use their hobbies as an income source if they would be interested down the line.
All in all, it is extremely crucial to invent fun and effective interaction sessions with your children, so as to bond with them and get to know them. This will definitely go a long way in your parenting journey.